
Sunday 1 April 2012


I'm so sorry, fot not posting anything in a while. I guess I have to tell you guys everything I've done, right...? Well.. At first I was like a happy human being and all that funny stuff. Then I did something wrong and broke up with my boyfriend. But it didn't matter to me that much, because I could get together with the girl I loved so much! Tanya, my true first love. In the start it was quite hard - it still is - for people to understand I was bisexual and I don't know how my grandparents reacted, to be honest I don't wanna know. I don't even think my little brother knows about it yet!
I'm terrible sorry, but I need to go now, for brunch and I hope I can get back and write something for y'all soon! 
Love ya and may the God and Godess Shine upon you.

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