
Saturday 8 September 2012

New haircut

Now with curls! 

 I went to the hairdresser to day and dang Peter did an amazing job! <3 - I really really like that salon in Brande named Hos Mikkelsen and I'm never disappointed about it. I've been using the same hairdresser for three-four years now and I'd be sad to lose such a great hairdresser as Peter. When I'm there I just sit in the chair and wait for his magic, because it's based on trust. I don't decide the style, it has to be about trust.
Now watch the edited pictures!

 Uh.. Btw.. Peter wanted me to be a hair model with him, when he's going out to make some show! I'm sooo worked up about! It means much to me and maybe it's because I've got a dark period lately.

 Well.. That was all for now. I hope you enjoyed my lovely pictures, as I did myself. Take good care, till next time! Which is weird to say 'cause I know you would.

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